| 1. | And she felt aggrieved and insulted . 玛丽大为不满,一肚子都是委屈。 |
| 2. | The administration felt aggrieved . 政府对此不满。 |
| 3. | The agencies feel aggrieved at the criticism 信评机构觉得社会的批评有失公正。 |
| 4. | The small savers in particular have cause to feel aggrieved . chances are that they are the most affected by the sharp slowdown in the economy and the worsening of employment opportunities 暂时来说,存户固然要承受较低的名义回报,小存户尤其会感到难受,原因是他们大多是因经济突然放缓及就业情况恶化而受影响最多的一群。 |
| 5. | Feeling aggrieved , the defendant took into his possession records of the complainant s personal data and used the data to send out numerous fax letters to the complainant accusing her of causing him to lose the job 被告人感到受屈,于是将投诉人记录据为己有,并且使用该等资料不断向她传真信件,指责她令他失去工作。投诉人对此感到愤怒,因此向公署举报此事。 |
| 6. | We are committed to maintaining an open and fair procurement system . any supplier or contractor who feels aggrieved may lodge a complaint with the procuring department or the relevant tender board considering that particular tender 我们致力维持一个公平公开的采购制度。任何供应商或承包商如觉受到不公平的待遇,可向采购部门或负责审批该项投标的投标委员会投诉。 |
| 7. | Mr lam , another victim , still felt aggrieved when recalling the incident . " carrian succeeded in creating a smoke screen to convince the public that it was a financially robust company . many people unreservedly invested in its shares 林先生说自己也是受害者之一,他忆述时仍然愤愤不平:佳宁成功地制造烟幕,令人相信它是一个实力雄厚的集团,许多人毫无保留地投资在它的股票上,怎知一夜间股票成为废纸,一文不值。 |
| 8. | Although the decision to buy a home was entirely yours , you have reason to feel aggrieved because , you are told by what you read in the news , that the sharp downward adjustment in property prices was the result of shifts in the government s housing policy 虽然置业完全是市民自己的决定,但正当报章不时都有人说楼价暴跌是政府房屋政策转变一手造成时,负资产业主很自然会认为政府最少应负起部分责任,并应想办法体恤他们。 |